The Grid

Here’s where we share glimpses of our work and what’s got us excited lately. Dive in.

Bus stop advert for Boston Link Branded materials for Silverback as part of a brand refresh An animation of a Facebook carousel ad for the Digital Advert Agency by Mighty, brand agency Brand logo for Infosec A brewery worker hauls a keg at Stroud Brewery. Photographed by Mighty, brand agency Flyer design for ArkStart Storeaway brand developed by Mighty, brand agency
Tom from Tubby Toms being photographed by Mighty, brand agency A lady in a vintage swimsuit jumps into a glass of milk as part of a brand concept for LEAP. designed by Mighty, brand agency UX design for Zego insurance company by Mighty, digital agency A bus stop in the dark showing a brand advert for Most Wanted Wines by Mighty, brand design agency A photo of Liqueurious coffee liqueur, featuring bottle artwork by Mighty, brand agency A variety of semaphore symbols for Byrd and Link - part of the brand strategy project by Mighty, brand agency Brand advert for Atenta Bus stop advert for Wills at Work by Mighty, brand agency
Animated advert for Most Wanted Wines by Mighty, digital advertising agency Kulfi Bhai brand identity Magazine advertorial design for Eximium Advertising campaign for Gloucestershire's cyber infrastructure - concept developed by Mighty, brand agency IOP advert DoorCo FLiP logo design A brand advert concept for Zego insurance, showing a busy cityscape Subaru Day at Shelsley Walsh
Bubbl tote bag design An animation of the words Byrd + Link in semaphore, turning into English - part of the brand strategy project by Mighty, brand agency Branded envelope design for Coleford Capital Photography taken for SDI by Mighty, brand agency – a man is grinding a piece of metal, causing sparks to fly A man checks the quality of roasted coffee with the Misuku Coffee Co. logo overlaid on top Mobile website design for Canoe business consultants by Mighty, brand agency Brand stationery for Kutavar World Snooker graphic design by Mighty, brand agency
A magazine advert for GFirst LEP based around a departure board concept - advert created by Mighty design agency A variety of branded materials for DoorCo as part of a brand refresh by Mighty, brand strategy agency An illustrated billboard for Magenta, created by Mighty brand agency The VoCoVo brand and ribbon identity, designed by Mighty brand agency A social media advert for the Corinium Museum in Cirencester designed by Mighty, digital agency Brand slogans for Storeaway developed by Mighty, brand strategy agency. Brand elements for the Corinium Museum designed by Mighty, brand agency A new look for the Workbooks dashboard, designed by Mighty digital agency
Digital advert design for Gloucestershire College by Mighty, digital marketing agency Dunkertons cider can design Billboard design for Blackcore Technologies An animation of a globe, showing phones connected to each other for the Digital Advert Agency. Designed by Mighty, brand agency Bottle label design for Wahaca Billboard advert concept for Gillian Kenny Associates Logo design for Fluid Transfer Group by Mighty, brand agency A booklet spread from the Gloucestershire Skills Strategy, which was designed by Mighty brand communications agency
A tote bag featuring the Findable logo - developed by Mighty brand agency Growth Hub Infographic for HEFCE report designed by Mighty, brand communications agency The Growth Hub slot machine reels campaign designed by Mighty, paid digital agency A concept for Mosaic, a door glass company - designed by Mighty, brand agency Magic and Mischief shop sign designed by Mighty, brand agency Brand packaging design for O'Be Joyful by Mighty, brand agency Misuku Coffee Co packaging designed by Mighty, brand design agency Shelsley Walsh brand concept imagery by Mighty, brand agency