
Robyn Hardman 30.01.24 3min Read

What makes a good landing page?

A woman sitting on a brown sofa using a laptop

Landing page 101

When it comes to a paid campaign, the definition of a landing page is a standalone page that you use to advertise a service, offer or proposition. With this in mind, you also use a landing page to drive a conversion of some kind – whether that’s a purchase or a lead.

So why do you need a specific landing page, rather than just directing someone to a service page or case study?

The point of a landing page is to be direct – you’ve brought someone to your website to find out more about one thing, not to be bombarded with lots of other information. So while it may not always be necessary for an organic social media post, for example, you’ll want a good landing page for an offer or a bigger campaign.

Landing pages also make it much easier to track how well your campaigns are working. You can collate all the data for each channel by using tracking parameters, and get an overall picture of what’s driving the most conversions, allowing you to better ‘optimise each channel’ in marketing speak – or, in layman’s terms, figure out where to put the effort.

What makes a good landing page?

It might sound obvious, but the first rule of a good landing page is don’t bore us, get to the chorus – put the good stuff up front. Whatever you’re trying to advertise, make your offering clear, concise and easy to understand – lead with that above all else. Don’t leave the call to action right at the bottom, as your intended customer might never get there.

The cleaner the design of your landing page, the better – that way, you can make your key proposition stand out. Use clear imagery and text, signpost people with iconography, and don’t try and cram too much information onto the one page, as users should be able to navigate to other pages on your website via the main menu.

Finally, make it easy for people to get in there and take action – make the purchase, contact your business, download the thing. Whatever it is, make it clear and simple for them to do.

Generally, if you follow the principles of good web design, you shouldn’t encounter too much trouble. And one last thing – don’t forget to test on all platforms, including mobile!

But if that all sounds like too much hassle for you, then we’d love to handle it for you instead. Just drop us a line and tell us what you’re looking to do, and we’ll be in touch to take all the hard work off you.