
James Ashe 20.10.24 2min Read

Hire us! Why you should use an agency for your brand work

James Ashe, Managing Partner of Mighty, speaking at a client event

Branding is our world – it’s only a small part of yours

You know your brand better than anyone. You’ve been the guardian of it for some time, and you’re working with it day in, day out. But while you’re the expert in your brand, are you an expert in everyone else’s?

We know brand. We know the current trends, the current landscape. We know what makes a great brand and what causes one to fail. We’ve been working at this for years and it’s what we do every day. While your input is invaluable, and you need to know that the work you’ll get at the end of it is done right, letting us do the hard work means you’ve got time to focus on what you do best.

Get some perspective

Alright, you know your brand. But can you be objective about it? It’s easy to get attached to how things are, and – dare we say it – that might be holding your brand back.

We’re outsiders. We have no preconceived notions about your brand, so we’ll challenge you, get you out of your comfort zone and push your brand to its full potential.

It’s probably more cost effective

Okay, we know what you’re thinking – spending money with a brand agency isn’t going to help your bottom line in the short term. But in the long run, it means you’re not investing all your time into trying to manage and roll out a project, and you can focus on whatever else the day-to-day has to throw at you.

We’ve got a well-defined process when it comes to any brand or digital project, so we know what works and what doesn’t, saving you plenty of time and effort in figuring it out yourself. It also means that we lay the foundations for you, so when you come to pick up some design work or copywriting in-house, you’ve got something solid to work from.

Let’s help make life easier for you. If you’ve got a tricky brand or digital project that needs some clarity, let us put a different spin on it. Just drop us a line, or see how we’ve done it for companies just like yours.