Rebrand or refresh?
As it turns out, you might just need a bit of a refresh. A little bit of TLC to give your brand a new lease of life. But if you’re not feeling excited about your brand and if using it is giving you a headache with every new touchpoint, then perhaps it’s time to start over.
Our simple scorecard will help you work out if you’re sitting pretty, or if you could do with a refresh or a rebrand.

Moments of Change
It can be tempting to lump all business change together and assume it’s driven by growth. There’s probably some truth in that. What does differ are the reasons for needing change. It’s these reasons that inform a response that works.
We’ve developed a simple model to define your reasons for change so we can come up with winning solutions. It’s called Moments of Change and it’s where every project starts.

I highly recommend the team at Mighty. Their work on designing the Wiltshire Marque brand has been exceptional. They made the journey fun and inclusive and the end result surpassed our highest expectations.

Refresh vs rebrand – see how we did it
The Grid
We’re always busy (but not too busy for you!), so we’ve put together some snapshots of what we’ve been up to lately. Go take a look and tell us what you think.

Already know what you need?
Got a project for us? Fill in the blanks and we’ll take it from there.