A climate of change

A bright new brand future for the world's leading carbon capture research organisation

  • Brand strategy
  • Verbal identity
  • Visual identity
A hydro-electric dam

Green wishing, not washing

The client: IEAGHG

We all know the planet’s undergoing a climate emergency. IEAGHG have been working for years to try and solve that. They’re one of the world’s forefront organisations dealing with carbon capture research, helping to advance technology that will remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The Moment of Change: Changing the world

When IEAGHG approached us, they had a brand that was firmly stuck in the 90s – a clipart globe that just wasn’t representing the cutting-edge research and work that they were doing. They needed something a lot sleeker and a lot more grown-up that would demonstrate their commitment to changing the world.

The plan we made

We got the organisation together under one roof to talk about what they’re trying to achieve and the story they’re trying to tell. What struck us the most was that if they did their job properly, they wouldn’t be needed any more. That’s a pretty bold mission statement.

Despite their insistence on being merely a small team, we wanted them to be even more proud of the work they’re doing and feel confident enough to position themselves as the leaders they are. That meant a brave and bold platform on which to build on.

The story we told

We developed something clean and modern for IEAGHG’s new brand, using simple line work to represent clear skies and the layers of earth where carbon capture comes into play. For the colours, we brought in softer, more contemporary swathes of greens, blues and yellows, and stepped away from the dreaded Impact font with a more inviting sans-serif.
Messaging was what was going to bring the IEAGHG brand to life, so we honed in on that with taglines that would make people stop and stare, and hopefully think a bit more about their own carbon impact. We presented the new brand to climate scientists across the world, and they loved it (we knew they would).

The Mighty change

Since we created the new IEAGHG brand, they’ve developed a brand-new website, too, using our bold proposition and much clearer copy to really get across what they do. The next step is to look at IEAGHG’s biennial conference and make sure it’s delivering the same impact and inspiring new generations of brand-savvy researchers.